
College of Medicine will open at a specific time every week,
welcome the teachers, colleagues and students of the College of Medicine
 come here to rest and have snacks between work and after-class.

※ 入場前請配合防疫實聯制,並於飲食期間外全程配戴口罩 ※
Wear a mask while on campus except when eating or drinking.
Please scan the QR code for contact tracing before entering.

 Happy Hour { CoM TO TEA }
5月開放日期 Date

5/2(Mon), 5/10(Tue), 5/16(Mon), 5/27(Fri), 5/31(Tue)
* 部分場次配合疫情暫停辦理

開放時間 Time
14:00 - 16:00

活動地點 Venue
醫學綜合大樓後棟8樓 徐千田紀念廳
Hsu Chien-Tien Memorial Hall, Comprehensive Medical Building (Rear Building)

注意事項 Please Note

This activity is only for teachers, students, staff from College of Medicine.
In order to provide participants with a good experience,
meals during the event are for internal use only, please do not take out
Wear a mask while on campus except when eating or drinking.
Please scan the QR code for contact tracing before entering.