
醫學院神經科學莊德茂講座教授受邀於二月廿二日(三) 假醫學綜合大樓前棟3樓第一會議室進行演講,歡迎報名與會!

Topic: My Journey to Explore Therapeutic Potential of Mood Stabilizers for Brain Disorders

Speaker: De-Maw Chuang, Ph.D.

Scientist Emeritus, Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), NIH, USA

Academician of Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Date: 22nd Feb., 2023 (WED.)10:00-11:00

Room: First meeting room, 3F, Comprehensive Medical Building(Front Building) (Due to limited seating, the max is 40 seats)

The lecture is speak in English.

※Please must register in advance 

Registration website: http://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/signup.php?Sn=4618

Deadline: 21st Feb., 2023 (TUE.)12:00

※ParticipantFaculties and students

※OrganizerTMU Office of Research and Development

※Contact PersonTracy Kang(m513097010@tmu.edu.tw